Sundays 20.30 ~ 23.30 for all
( 28.9.14, 12.10.14, 9.11.14, 30.11.14, 14.12.14, 28.12.14 )
WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam
25 Euro per person, 45 per couple, 10 times card only 200 E
[ NL vertaling beneden ]
Workshops for your relationship
This our proposal is addressed to couples who:
- just get to know each other
- they want to develop an intimate relationship
- they would like to open up to the needs of the partner.
- They want to dissolve the barriers,
- for long time relationships, who would like again awake the senses, who would like to bring new energy and inspiration to their life
- who want to recognise the transcendent nature of partner relationship
- who want to progress together,
- who would like to develop energy of partnership
- who would like to achieve cosmic union
- who would share the essence of love with the world.
As a tantric couple, We share our personal and individual experience. While we respect our and your boundaries, we are also keeping in mind that real progress begins outside of the comfort zone. That's why we will systematically encourage you to leave secure limitations and meet the adventures of your life. But in the same time, We will also encourage you to establish clear boundaries and say "no" when you really feel that way at that moment.If you're not ready to change, we will work on that readiness
What you can expect:
Deepening intimacy in relationship
Exploring synergy effect in meditation and in the transformation of sexual energy
Tantric and Taoist techniques for transformation
Games, fun, dance and movement
Visualisations , meditations and relaxations
Prayers and affirmations
Massage and healing touch
Open communication
For more info check:
Don't hesitate to ask the questions ,Sending email means confirming your reservation. Amount of the places are limited.
Finishing the course may be honored with the certificate, what would open the door for your, second level class, further experience and higher education.
For updates, more info or to invite Your friends:
[ NL vertaling ]
Workshops voor je relatie:
Dit ons voorstel is gericht tot paren die:
- Gewoon om elkaar te leren kennen
- Ze willen een intieme relatie ontwikkelen
- Ze willen zich openstellen voor de behoeften van de partner.
- Ze willen de barrières oplossen, die op zoek zijn naar de weg om zichzelf te genezen , maar ook op zoek naar begrip en harmonie in de warme armen van de minnaar
- Voor lange tijd relaties , die graag weer wakker maken van de zintuigen , die graag nieuwe energie en inspiratie brengen in hun leven, die willen herkennen de transcendente aard van partnerrelatie.
- die samen willen in proces willen,
- die graag energie van partnerschap willen ontwikkelen
- die graag kosmische eenheid willen bereiken
- die de essentie van de liefde met de wereld willen delen.
Als een tantrische paar ,delen wij onze persoonlijke en individuele ervaring. Terwijl we onze en uw grenzen respecteren, we zijn bewust dat de echte vooruitgang begint buiten de comfort zone . Dat is waarom wij u systematisch zal aanmoedigen om veilige grenzen te verlaten en te voldoen aan de avonturen van je leven. Maar in dezelfde tijd , zullen we u aanmoedigen om duidelijke grenzen te stellen en 'nee' zeggen als je echt het gevoel op hebt op dat moment. Als je niet klaar bent om te veranderen , zullen we werken aan de bereidheid
Voor meer info check:
Aarzel niet om de vragen te stellen:,
This Course as whole is created in the way that you would go deep in your inner ecstasy, bliss and healing.
Are you ready for the biggest change in your life ? Go for intensive transformation of Sexuality and Love to the higher levels.
List of the workshops what may be included in the course. The choice would depend from the needs and energy of the group
1. Taste of Tantra. Introduction to practice.
2. Expanding the consciousness. Being here and now.
3. Love yourself - recognising your inner lover
4. Sacred energy - worshiping your holy body, recognising your wild soul
5. Theory about practice. Tips for improving relationship with yourself, with your partner,with others, with animals, whole nature and entire universe.
6. Male and female energy
7. Dance with tantra
8. Sacred Sexuality
9. Journey to Awaken the Senses ceremony
10. Preparing for awakening the Kundalini energy
11.Secrets of tantric touch. Introduction to tantric massage
More detailed description of those workshops you could read below:
Ad 1: "Taste of Tantra" - Introduction to practice
At this introduction workshop we give small examples of simple safe exercises, which you can continue practising later with your partner or on your own. Anyone who would follow instructions from this introduction may already dramatically improve her/his life. We let you get a taste of what tantra is and what we teach as a whole course at the School of Tantra Movement.
A little bit of everything:
- Theory; what tantra means to us and our practical use of it
- Sexual meditation
- Recognising and training the pc muscle
- Open communication
- Recognising your Inner man and Inner woman
- Awakening the senses
- Breathing together in Shiva Shakti position
We invite You to create the space for expanding consciousness.
You going to find out:
What is consciousness ?How to get ready to open Yourself for full consciousness ?
How in the conscious way dissolve blockages and open Yourself for a flow of energy of Love?
How in daily life we could develop and cultivate our inner consciousness?
Expanding consciousness that's one of the main purpose of tantra. At this workshop we going to awake, discover, explore and expand, consciousness of here and now, consciousness of female and male energy, consciousness of the witness, consciousness of energy... This workshop may open Your eyes, hart and mind in the way that You would never be the same
Ad 3: Love Yourself!
Loving ourselves is the foundation of real love, when we love ourselves we can truly love others. When we feel good about our self we will have the self esteem needed to act in love towards another being. To truly love ourselves may increase the chance of amplifying the love shared with our partners, family, animals, nature, whole planet and the universe. So how You may notice it have nothing to do with selfishness but rather with expanding love in healthyway...
Ad 4: Sacred energy. - worshiping your holy body, recognizing your wild soul
Tantric path opens us to experience our own, our partners and groups deep energy levels. Thankful Tantric and sexual Tao techniques, we become aware of subtle energies which link the apparent opposites: spirit and matter, sexuality and spirituality, light and darkness, consciousness and unconscious, masculinity and femininity ..
By using the keys to the door of connections, to regain our inner strength, we are giving right direction to the flow of energy.
Ad 5:
Theory about practice. Tips for improving relationship with yourself, with your partner,with others, with animals, whole nature and entire universe.
This exceptionally would be more lecture than workshop. If you're new in tantra and would you like to find out more, to feel and see what is there for you, this would be good for you to participate. There would be also the moments for questions and answers
Ad 6: Male and Female energy
Nowadays not so many people are aware that within us exist male and female energy. Doesn't matter what sex we are, from balance of those energies depends our health, our contentment, our happiness and fulfilment in our relationships.
At this workshop we would met our inner woman and man within us. We would recognise their energies. We would hear from them how is to live with us, what are their needs, what are concerns. How we can improve their (our) life...
Besides of that we would get to know differences between male and female bodies. We would learn how to approach them in the way, that beautiful sexual energy of love would flow freely, would not be forced or imposed on someone and would not be blocked by some wrong behaviour.
Ad 7: Dance with Tantra
Like from all my invitations, you may already learn and experience something very useful from them. But only when you would read it also with your heart and follow with your body... only when you use it, not loose it :)
Ad 8: Sacred Sexuality
At this workshop we would go for a journey to the past to heal our memories mainly connected to our sexuality. We live in the society where very often sex is considered as something bad, dirty, what develop guild and shame in us. We going to heal our wounds in intention to bring sacredness and pride to not only to genital parts of our bodies but to whole concept of sex in our life. We going to free ourselves from stereotypes what are stopping our love.
According to tantra human sexuality is located in the centre of spirituality. Over the millennia, was pushed only to have role of procreating. The wider truth was available only to a few. At the present time the consciousness of humanity is mature enough that the truth of the sacred sexuality is revealed to all.
The consciousness of humanity at the present moment goes beyond the circle of material activities and experiences. It rises together with the energy of the Earth. Old Masters now revealing ancient mysteries , which before often were available only for the elites. Using those secrets could be solution for all sort of crisis what the humanity and individual people are facing nowadays.
On the other hand, we have at the present time wide available pornography , which massively distorts the image of human sexuality . On large scale , we are bombarded with sexuality ragged of beauty, holiness , power, and intimacy....
At the workshop You would have chance to deeply answer to Yourself for the questions below:
How sacred sexuality is different from the usual sexuality ?
How can I have access to sacred sexuality in my life?
In what way, based on sacred sexuality I can shape reactions with myself , with a partner , with other people, with nature and whole universe ?
These and other questions will not get ready answers , but in a series of our workshops we offer opportunity to experience the methods which can help you to expand your consciousness in the field of sacred sexuality.
On that workshop we will focus on the dissolution of the concepts and blockades, what had accumulated around the topic of sexuality. We will recognise patterns , which we toked over from family, from school ,society, Hollywood movies etc. To recognise the sacred sexuality, we will unfold veil of ignorance.
To achieve that we will use :
touch, massage
You may establish an intimate relationship with yourself .
You may enrich , raise to the higher levels relationship with your partner.
You may attract into your life partner and lover of your dreams.
You may heal the wounds from your sexual life and those passed to you from generations to generations.
Ad 9: Journey to Awaken the Senses.
Listen to the quiet whispers of your own body. Shhhh.....
When we fully experience our senses, we enter into the heart, into love with existence. And instead of thinking about and analysing the world, we love it, we feel it, we become a part of it. We experience the bliss, ecstasy and deep fulfilment that can come to us through our senses.
To practise this, we do a ritual that awakens each sense in turn and allow ourselves to absorb this bliss in our hearts. This is a totally yummy, luscious and deep meditation that touches the body, heart and soul. For anyone who wants to expand the experience of their senses or use the body as a gateway to the self. Done to each other it is great way to connect and feel gratitude and more love, sympathy to Your partner. It bring a child in us, a child,who is playing in the adult games of love...
Ad 10: Preparing for Awakening Kundalini energy.
Kundalini Energy, serpent power, strongest energy possible to use for human body. By some cultures awakening the Kundalini energy is recognised as enlightenment, blessing and goal of live, biggest liberation...
Suddenly all your senses would be awaken on 1000%. You may see, feel, experience things what You never before was aware about. Your ecstasy would shift to other higher level. Intensity of life at that state may increase to the point that may scare You.
Be prepared. Be aware. Observe and accept.... or eve better permit Yourself to be. To be who You really are. Recognise god/goddess within - feel it and become one. Life would never be the same. You're not alone.
Ad 11: "Secrets of Tantric Touch" Introduction to tantric massage workshop
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